Increase engagement, boost efficiency, and foster innovation.
Accelerate individual performance through collective learning.
Explore options for expanded exploration and 1:1 interaction.
Take the first step towards greater engagement and meaningful work by learning the power of Emotional Intelligence in a way that makes "soft skills" more concrete and approachable.
We'll take a logical approach to explore the following:
Three Components of the Whole Person
History of Emotional Intelligence
Four Pillars of Emotional Intelligence
The Simple Math of Emotional Intelligence
This virtual course is a one-hour interactive lecture that introduces Emotional Intelligence to all participants and provides the building blocks for self and social awareness that lead to:
Increased Individual and Team Performance
Greater Creativity and Innovation
Increased Adaptability and Resiliency
More Efficient Communication
Hi! I’m Quinn.
After 20+ years of engineering and business experience, I began to ponder the question, "What would you say if you could go back and talk to yourself about success as you graduated from college?" Surprisingly, I realized that what made me successful wasn't just the classes I took or professional registrations I got, but how I related to the people around me –– as a Citadel cadet, college athlete, Engineer-In-Training, MBA, and leader of cross-functional teams.
From this perspective, I condensed my years of experience into practical steps that you can take to achieve immediate results.
Infinite Humans exists to help engineers and other design professionals find greater success in their careers by bridging the gap between hard and soft skills. While traditional technical curriculums focus on the former, Infinite Humans provides the curriculum and resources to make soft skills an integral part of your operations. Emotional intelligence is not an inherent trait, but a skill developed through targeted education and practice.
IH helps you harness the power of emotional intelligence and provides the opportunity for you and your team to achieve optimum performance every time.